We are committed to a profound spirit of hospitality to all and seek to discover everyone's inherent gifts from God.
Drop your collection envelopes in the basket during any of the weekend Masses or use our locked Parish drop box outside of the Parish Offices Entrance. To begin receiving collection envelopes, contact us.
Please continue to use our current parish names for all donations: (St. Clare of Assisi Parish, St. Francis of Assisi Parish or St. Isidore Parish (Argyle)).
Mail donations and payments to:
St. Clare of Assisi Parish -or- St. Victor School -or- St. Francis of Assisi Parish
1760 14th St 1416 20th Ave 338 S Harrison ST
Monroe, WI 53566 Monroe, WI 53566 Belleville, WI 53508
By using our online payment system, you can control the amount and frequency of your giving. There are options to contribute to all of our current parish collections. Use the buttons near the top of this page to give online to our parishes.
Secure ACH withdrawals are setup to be automatically transferred each month to your giving account. Setup can be done in less than 5 minutes. Contact the parish business office to enroll.
We are always looking for leaders and volunteers to help in our ministries. Find your passion and experience the joy of giving back with us. Click here for our ministry listing.
The parish is ready to assist you with any giving options and questions you may have on long term giving, estate planning, donations of assets, and more. Please reach out to Marci Boss in the parish business office, [email protected] or 608-325-9506 to discuss your donation and gift options.