Find it hard to pray or approach God? He has come among us as a vulnerable baby to teach us invite us to approach Him with adoration and without fear.
Christmas Homily 2023
Continuing with 3rd part of the Gospel Proclamation series we discuss God's response to the condition of humanity after the Fall. In our hopeless separation from the author of Life, God hears humanity's cry for mercy and deliverance. (Inspired again by Isaiah 63-64).
Homily from 3rd Sunday Advent A
Part 2 of 4 - Gospel Proclamation Series Picking up from last week we explore the Bad News of what has interrupted humanity's original state of innocence and friendship with God. Sin, its devastating effects, and our need for a savior.
2nd Sunday o
Who are you? What were you made for? The first chapter of our story reveals the answer to these questions. We may have lost sight of this because of chapter two in our story, but we can't understand the Gospel message without understanding our origins. Part 1 of a 4 part series on the Gospel Proclamation
Homily from Sunday, December 3rd (First Sunday of Advent)
As we conclude the Liturgical Year, today's Gospel (The Judgment of the Nations aka The Sheep and the Goats) was often quoted by St. Teresa of Calcutta to simplify our response to the Gospel message
Homily, November 26, Solemnity of Christ the King
The Church is the Body of Christ, with each member being a different, but integral part. The life of St. Francis exemplifies how the different parts of the body are meant to complement one another.
Homily from 31st Sunday OT, November 5, 2023
Jesus' parable about the 10 bridesmaids and the wedding procession parallels a pivotal moment in St. Clare of Assisi's life.
Homily, 31st Sunday OT, November 12, 2023
St. Paul asks us take on the attitude of Jesus. He describes Jesus in the great hymn of Jesus's self-emptying. Will we follow Him down so as to be raised up?
Homily 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A