Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 (2x/mo beginning Sep. 11, 2024)
Lead: Celine Peterson & Jolene Van Dyk
We are excited to use Alive in Christ as our new program for elementary & family faith formation. Parents will join once a month for a required session in which you’ll be able to deepen your faith and be equipped to help pass on the faith to your children. Throughout the month you’ll have several activities to choose from to do with your children to help drive home the truths of the faith.Sundays 6-8 pm (2x/mo + events, beginning Sep. 22, 2024)
Leads: Fr. Chahm Gahng & Celine Peterson
We are continuing with Lifeteen Edge in Middle School. We’re looking forward to this high-energy, engaging style under the leadership of Fr. Chahm and Celine Peterson.Time Varies, usually 6:30-8 pm Sundays 2x/mo
Lead: Fr Dave Carrano
HS YM consists in regular gatherings for prayer, growth in Christian discipleship, events, and service opportunities. Its content is guided by the leadership of our HS seniors.
There is no fee associated with participating in HS YM. We DO want you to register your teens if they plan to come, even occasionally, so that we have emergency contact information, etc.
YM Kickoff event is Sunday, Sept. 15th from 6-8pm.
Confirmation Preparation (teens 9th grade or older who have already participated in one year of faith formation recently) - meets Wednesday 7-9:00 pm (3x/semester, beginning Sep. 18)
Leads: Pam Burke & Celine Peterson
Please do NOT register your teen for Confirmation. We are moving to a youth application procedure for any youth wishing to be confirmed. Our Confirmation webpage contains all of the information your youth needs to start their Confirmation preparation.